Sam Masich  – Taijiquan, Neigong: Masich Internal Arts Method

Sam Masich

Sam Masich is one of the most accomplished mid-generation practitioners of Chinese internal martial arts in the world today. Having trained and taught for a quarter century, Masich has studied with several of the great masters of his era from both North America and China including Liang Shouyu, Dr. Yang Jwing Ming, Jou Tsung Hwa, Yang Zhenduo and Chen Xiaowang. He has taught around the world and is the subject of two internationally airing documentaries.  Now an indoor student of Sam,  I have studied with him since Jan Parker introduced me to her teacher in 2006.

Jan Parker

Jan Parker  – Taijiquan, Qigong

First teacher, Jan Parker has been a student of Taijiquan since 1985, and is an amazing and gifted teacher who truly walks her talk as best as I have ever seen anyone do. She embodies the taiji lessons that she so generously shares and lovingly insists that with time and effort, anyone can learn this art.

Over the years, prior to the commencement in 2005 of my intensive  Taiji studies and since, I have taken workshops with other distinguished Tai Chi masters including Dr. Yang Jwing Ming, Wen Mei Yu, William C.C.Chen, Su Zi Fang, Paul Gallagher and Ken Cohen.

Janet Aalfs – Karate, Modern Arnis, and Self-defense

Janet Aalfs

Sensei Janet Aalfs, head instructor and director of Valley Women’s Martial Arts/HAVPS since 1982, is a 7th degree black belt in Shuri‐ryu Okinawan Karate, a 5th degree black belt in Filipino Modern Arnis, a nationally certified self‐defense teacher, and an instructor of Jian Mei Internal Martial Arts. Janet is a founding member, former Chair and Secretary, founder and current member of the NWMAF Anti‐Racism Council, and leader since 1979 within the National Women’s Martial Arts Federation. A community‐builder and feminist social justice activist, Janet teaches and performs weavings of poetry and martial arts dance locally, nationally, and internationally. I studied with Sensei Janet from 1989 – 2005, earning black belts in Karate (4th degree)  and Arnis (3rd degree), as well as national certification in Self-Defense instruction.

Remy Presas – Modern Arnis

Professor Presas

“The Professor” Remgio Amador Presas (December 19, 1936 – August 28, 2001) was the founder of Modern Arnis, a popular Filipino martial art. Born in the Phillipines, he moved to the United States in 1974, where he taught his art via seminars and camps. In 1982 he was inducted into the Black Belt Hall of Fame as Instructor of the Year. He published several books and videos on Modern Arnis and is recognized as the “Father of Modern Arnis”. I earned my 1st degree black belt in Modern Arnis from Professor Presas in 2000 and have subsequently studied with and earned rank recognition from the International Modern Arnis Federation, in particular Master Gabriele Roloff and Master Brian Zawilinski.

And finally, my students and my classmates, too, are some of my greatest teachers of these arts and the art of teaching from the heart.